Hope everyone’s school year is off to a good start. Just wanted to provide some information and share some exciting things happening with the upcoming Mahwah Youth Basketball Season;
- REC REGISTRATION – Registration for grades K – 8 is now open online at REC BASKETBALL. This is a new system so you may have to create a new login to register. Click on the basketball image on that link to begin.
Our Rec is broken into divisions by grade level.
The Instructional Division (K-2) will begin play in January. Our new format was well received so our K-2 division will continue to meet for large group clinic sessions on Sunday afternoons in January and February. These clinics will focus on teaching skills and keeping the ‘fun’ in FUNdamentals. Any 2nd grade player who believes they are ready for a more structured game environment is welcome to play in our Minor Rec division. You may note that preference in the special requests section when registering. Please note those playing in the Minors division will start the first week of December. Our K-2 program will not be selecting teams or playing at GW this season. The program will be 6-8 sessions on Sundays.
Our other divisions, Minors (2/3/4), Juniors (5/6), and Seniors (7/8) will have assessments in early December to allow coaches an opportunity make evaluations before they select teams. The purpose of the draft and assessments is to try to create divisions with as much parity as possible. We will email as soon as the assessment schedule is finalized and posted on our basketball website.
- TRAVEL TRYOUTS – We are excited about this upcoming season, as we will continue supplementing our training with sessions provided by STACK Basketball trainers. Tryouts for travel teams will be held beginning the week of Monday, October 19. That schedule is being finalized and will be posted on the travel page of our website. Each grade level will be given 2 sessions for tryout. Interested players are encouraged to attend both sessions. Travel teams will be posted and begin practicing the first week of November. 3rd grade travel players are required to play in the rec program and 4th and 6th grade travel players have the option of ‘playing up’ a division in rec. If playing up is desired please note that when registering for rec online. To register (it is free) for Travel Tryouts please submit the contact form found on the travel page of our website;
Travel Tryout Registration
- ALL COACHES – Our next Rutgers certification class and background checks will be held on Monday November 10 at the Mahwah Senior Center. Full details on tmysb.org
- REC COACHES – We are IN NEED of good rec coaches who understand the role of the coach as teacher. If you are interested in coaching please note that on your registration or you may reach out to the appropriate division head. Contact info may be found on the CONTACT US page of our web site;
- TRAVEL COACHES – If you are interested in coaching a travel team (grades 3 – 8) and have NOT coached in our program before please complete and submit the information sheet available on the coaches’ page of our site. Completed forms may be emailed to [email protected]. If you have coached before and are interested please send an email indicating that to the above address. If there are multiple people interested in a given position there will be an interview process as outlined in the TMYSB CAP rules.
Mahwah Youth Basketball Coaches Page
- FEEDBACK PLEASE – As we are always trying to improve our program we would appreciate feedback in all areas. Feedback helps us with, among other things, coaching assignments, team selections, scheduling, special events, and more.
Click HERE to submit feedback. - APPAREL – This year we will again be offering some sharp Mahwah Basketball Apparel with our new logo. Orders will be taken online in October and delivered at our Dinner and a Movie event in December before the holiday break. Say tuned for opportunities to buy some cool new gear!
- SPECIAL EVENTS – We look forward to some other fun basketball related events this winter. Our Free Throw Shoot will return this year and look for our first Dinner and Movie in December; a great night of pizza, prizes, and trivia! Our 3-on-3 will also be back by popular demand and even bigger and better this year!
- HELP ALWAYS WELCOME – We welcome anyone who might consider taking a more active role in our program. Some opportunities to help include;
o Concessions
o Rec Director/Assistants – always needed – contact the appropriate division head
o Special Events – have an idea for a great event? Let us know and we will help get it going!
One other note is that our fees will remain the same for both rec and travel this season. The strong support of all of our special events (Dinner and a Movie, 3 on 3, concessions, photo day, etc) has allowed us to keep our costs the same and even add to some of our offerings. We will have some other great things to share soon about the upcoming season.
Best of luck with your fall seasons – Any questions can be directed to the appropriate committee member or to our general email at [email protected].
Thank you,
Mahwah Youth Basketball